
No. Category. Source. Ministry and Agency. Title.
1. Population 出入国管理統計 Ministry of Justice 国籍別外国人登録者数の推移(1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2022)NEW
2. Population 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 母の年齢階級(5歳区分)別非嫡出子・出生数及び割合の推移(1947, 1950-2022) Number of Illegitimate Live Births and Proportion by Age of MotherNEW
3. Population 人口動態統計 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年齢, 死因別死亡率 (1992, 1998, 1999, 2001-2022)NEW
4. Population 人口動態統計 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 死因別妊産婦死亡数及び死亡率の推移 (1980, 1985, 1988-2022)NEW
5. Population 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 新生児及び周産期死亡及び死亡率の推移(1920-2022) Neonatal Deaths, Neonatal Mortality Rates, Perinatal Deaths and Perinatal Morality RatesNEW
6. Population 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別乳児死亡数及び死亡率の推移(1900-2022) Infant Deaths (Under 1 Year) by SexNEW
7. Household and family 国民生活基礎調査 (2006)Comprehensive Survey of the People on Health and Welfare Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 世帯類型別特殊世帯の世帯数及び割合 (1955-2022) Number of Households by Aged Households, Mother-children Households, Father-children Households and OthersNEW
8. Household and family 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 外国における日本人の国籍別婚姻件数の推移(1985-2022) The Number of Japanese Marriages in OverseasNEW
9. Household and family 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 夫妻の国籍別離婚件数(1992-2022) Trends in Divorces by Nationality of Wife and HusbandNEW
10. Household and family 司法統計 Supreme Court of Japan 性別離婚申し立ての動機別割合の推移(1975-2022)NEW
11. Labour 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 学歴別新規学卒就職者数の推移 (1960-2023) New Graduates Entering Employment by Sex and School EducationNEW
12. Labour 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 産業別4年制大学卒業就職者構成比の推移 (1975-2023) New Graduates Entering Employment (Universities) by Sex and Industry NEW
13. Labour 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 産業別短期大学卒業就職者数構成比の推移 (1975-2023) New Graduates Entering Employment (Junior Colleges) by Sex and IndustryNEW
14. Labour 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 産業別新規高卒就職者数構成比の推移 (1975-2023) New Graduates Entering Employment (Upper Secondary School) by Sex and Industry NEW
15. Labour 家内労働調査 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 家内労働従事者数, 家内労働者数, 補助者数の推移(1970-2022)NEW
16. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 学校の種類別在学者数及び女性の割合の推移(1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2023) Number of Students by Sex and School EducationNEW
17. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 幼稚園・義務教育就学率及び性別進学率(高校・大学)の推移(1948-2023) Enrolment and Advancement Rate by SexNEW
18. Learning and study 学校基本調査・社会福祉施設調査 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 幼稚園・保育所の在学者数及び在学率の推移(1978-2022)NEW
19. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 男女, 国・公・私立別高校数 (1994, 1999-2023) Number of Upper Secondary Schools by SexNEW
20. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性・全日制・定時制, 高校の学科編成別生徒数(1994, 1999-2023) Upper Secondary School Students by Sex, Type of School and CourseNEW
21. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性別大学進学率の推移(1954-2023) Advancement Rate to Higher EducationNEW
22. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 男女, 国・公・私立別大学数及び短期大学数(1985-2023) Number of Universities and Junior CollegesNEW
23. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 短期大学の専攻分野別学生数, 構成比及び男女比 (1993, 1999-2023) Students by Field of Study and Sex (Junior College)NEW
24. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 大学の専攻分野別学生数, 分布率及び男女比(1993, 1999-2023) Students by Field of Study and Sex (University Undergraduate Course) NEW
25. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 大学・短期大学通信教育の状況推移(1972-2022) Number of Schools, Students and Teachers (Correspondence Courses)NEW
26. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 大学院修士課程専攻分野別院生数(1993, 2000-2023) Students by Field of Study and Sex (Graduate School - Master's Courses)NEW
27. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 大学院博士課程専攻分野別院生数(1993, 2000-2023) Students by Field of Study and Sex (Graduate School - Doctor's Courses)NEW
28. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 学校数・性別在学者数及び教職員数 Number of Schools, Students and Teachers by Sex (1993, 1999-2023)NEW
29. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性別学校管理職等数及び女性比率(1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1998-2023) Number of Teachers by Type of Position and SexNEW
30. Learning and study 科学技術研究調査 Survey of Research and Development Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 性, 研究主体別研究本務者数・対前年比及び構成比の推移(1984-1986, 1998-2023) Number of Regular Researchers by SexNEW
31. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 卒業後の進路別卒業者数及び進学率(中学)(1993, 1994, 1998-2023) First Destination of New Graduates (Lower Secondary School)NEW
32. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 卒業後の進路別卒業者数及び進学率(高校) (1993,1994,1998-2023) First Destination of New Graduates (Upper Secondary School)NEW
33. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 卒業後の進路別卒業者数(短大) (1992, 1993, 1998-2023) First Destination of New Graduates (Junior College) NEW
34. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 卒業後の進路別卒業者数(大学)(1992, 1993,1998-2023)First Destination of New Graduates (University)NEW
35. Learning and study 学校基本調査 School Basic Survey Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology 性, 大学院課程修了者の進路別修了者数(1992, 1993, 1998-2023) First Destination of New Graduates (Graduate School)NEW
36. Social security and welfare 生活保護の動向等(1990年版) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年令階層別生活保護率(1990, 2001-2021)NEW
37. Social security and welfare 被保護者調査 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年齢階級, 就労・不就労別被生活保護人員(1990, 1997-1998, 2000-2021)NEW
38. Social security and welfare 被保護者全国一斉調査 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 世帯類型, 世帯業態別被生活保護世帯数 (1990, 1997-1998, 2000-2021)NEW
39. Social security and welfare 被保護者全国一斉調査 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 世帯類型, 保護受給期間別被生活保護世帯数(1990, 1995-2021)NEW
40. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別国民年金被保険者数 (1992, 1995, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
41. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別国民年金被保険者数構成比(1992, 1995, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
42. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年金額別国民年金老齢年金受給権者数(1992, 1995, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
43. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年金額別国民年金老齢年金受給権者数(新規裁定)(1992, 1995, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
44. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年齢別国民年金老齢年金受給権者数(年度末現在) (1992, 1995, 1997-1998, 2001-2021)NEW
45. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別厚生年金被保険者数及び標準報酬月額の平均(1993-1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
46. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別厚生年金被保険者の年齢構成(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
47. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別厚生年金標準報酬月額別被保険者数(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
48. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別老齢年金(厚生年金)給付状況(年度末現在)(1992, 1994-2021)NEW
49. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別老齢年金(厚生年金)給付状況(新規裁定)(1992, 1994-2021)NEW
50. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年金額別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
51. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年金額別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
52. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年金額別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定、女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
53. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年金額別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
54. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 被保険者期間別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
55. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 被保険者期間別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
56. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 被保険者期間別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定, 女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
57. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 被保険者期間別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
58. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年齢別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
59. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年齢別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(年度末現在, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
60. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年齢別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定, 女性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
61. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 年齢別老齢年金・通算老齢年金受給権者数及び分布比率(新規裁定, 男性)(1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001-2021)NEW
62. Social security and welfare 厚生年金保険・国民年金事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年度末・新規, 月額階級別厚生年金退職老齢年金受給権者数及び割合(1992, 1994-2021)NEW
63. Social security and welfare 全国健康保険協会管掌健康保険事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別政府管掌健康保険適用状況(1992-2021)NEW
64. Social security and welfare 全国健康保険協会管掌健康保険事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 年齢(5歳区分)別政府管掌健康保険被保険者及び被扶養者の分布比率(1993-1994, 1996, 1998, 2003-2021)NEW
65. Social security and welfare 全国健康保険協会鑑賞健康保険事業年報 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性, 標準報酬月額別政府管掌健康保険の被保険者数及び分布比率(年度末現在)(1993-1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002-2021)NEW
66. Health 人口動態統計 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別悪性新生物による死亡率の推移 (1960-2022)NEW
67. Health 人口動態統計 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 死因別妊産婦死亡数及び率の推移 (1980-2022)NEW
68. Health 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 性別死産数・死産率・死産性比の推移(1947-2022) Foetal Deaths by SexNEW
69. Health 人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 妊娠期間, 自然死産・人工死産別死産数及び百分率の推移(1955-2022) Trends in Foetal Deaths by Period of Gestation and Type of ExtractionNEW
70. Security and crime 警察庁データ National Police Agency 災害事故種類別発生件数,負傷者及び死者不明者の推移(1988-2022)NEW
71. Security and crime 検察統計調査 Ministry of Justice 強制わいせつ・強制性交等の通常受理件数, 処理別人員数及び起訴率の推移(1985-2022)NEW
72. Security and crime 検察統計調査 Ministry of Justice 売春防止法違反事件通常受理件数, 処理別人員数及び起訴率の推移(1985-2022)NEW
73. Security and crime 社会福祉行政業務報告・社会福祉施設等調査報告 Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare 婦人相談所・相談員数, 受理件数及び婦人保護施設状況(1980-2021)NEW
74. Decision-making 内閣府データ Cabinet Office 性別大臣数(1980, 1985, 1994, 2000-2023)NEW


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