How to search
The Gender Statistics Database can be searched by keyword, category,
ministry and agency originally produced source data, and record number.
1.Keyword search
- Enter term(s) wish to search in a keywords box.
Term(s) in a statistical table including English terms can be retrieved.
Please note that not all the tables are described in English.
- You can use operators such as AND(space) or OR(+) to combine the terms within the box.
e.g. “population_family” will find records containing population and family.
e.g. “population+family” will find records containing population or family.
2.Category search
- Check category box(es) wish to search. Multiple-choice search is also available.
- Click a category title to see all the records in the category.
3.Search by Ministry and Agency
- Check ministry and agency box(es) wish to search. Multiple-choice search is also available.
- Click a ministry title to see all the records by the ministry.
4.Record Number search
- Each data has a unique record number.
Enter record number(s) wish to search.
e.g.”100010+100020” will find records Number 100010 and 100020.
e.g. “100010+100030-130000” will find records Number 100010 and from 100030 to 130000.
You may combine 1, 2 and 3; however 4 is the first priority to retrieval.