
No. 分野
Ministry and Agency.
1. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital statistics 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性別普通出生・死亡及び自然増加の実数・率の推移(1872-2022)Numbers, Crude Rates of Birth, Death and Natural IncreaseNEW
2. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
女性の年齢階級(5歳区分)別出生数・出生率及び割合の推移(1925-2022) Number of Birth by Mother’s Age GroupNEW
3. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
出生順位別合計特殊出生率の推移(1955-2022) Birth Order Components of Total Fertility RateNEW
4. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
出生順位別出生数及び割合の推移(1950-2022) Number of Births by Birth OrderNEW
5. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
出生順位別平均出生年齢の推移(1955-2022) Mean Age of Women at Birth by Birth OrderNEW
6. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別死亡数及び死亡率の推移(1930, 1947, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Deaths and Death Rate by Sex and Age GroupNEW
7. 人口
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
主要死因別死亡数・率及び割合 (1935, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Deaths, Death Rates, and Proportion from Selected CausesNEW
8. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性, 初婚・再婚別婚姻数及び普通婚姻率(1883-2022) Marriages by Previous Marital Status of Bride and Groom, Percentage of First Marriage, and Crude Marriage RateNEW
9. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別初婚数及び初婚率(1930-2022) Number of First Marriages by Age of Bride and GroomNEW
10. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性別全婚姻及び初婚の平均婚姻年齢の推移(1899-2022) Mean Age of Groom and Bride at MarriageNEW
11. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別再婚数及び再婚率(1930, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Remarriages by Age of Bride and GroomNEW
12. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
夫婦の国籍別婚姻件数・百分率の推移(1965-2022) Foreign Grooms and Brides who got married to Japanese by NationalityNEW
13. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
種類別離婚数と構成比及び普通離婚率の推移(1883-2022) Divorces by Legal Type and Crude Divorce RateNEW
14. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別離婚数及び離婚率の推移(1930, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Divorces and Divorce Rate by Age of Wife and HusbandNEW
15. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
同居期間別離婚数及び構成比(1930, 1947, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998-2022) Divorces by Duration of Living TogetherNEW
16. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
夫妻が親権を行う子の数別離婚数及び子の総数の推移(1950-2022) Divorces by Number of Children Involved in DivorceNEW
17. 世帯・家族
Household and family
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
親権を行う子をもつ夫妻別離婚数及び構成比の推移(1950-2022) Divorces by Husband and Wife Who Have Children Involved in DivorceNEW
18. 労働
労働組合基礎調査 Basic Survey on Labour Unions 厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省)
Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare
性別労働組合員数, 推定組織率及び女性比率の推移(1975-2023)NEW
19. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主・配偶者別勤労者世帯1世帯当たり1か月間の実収入及び割合(1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2023)NEW
20. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主・配偶者別夫婦共働き世帯1世帯当たり実収入及び割合(核家族世帯) (1980, 1985, 1990-2023)NEW
21. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯平均貯蓄現在高及び負債現在高の推移(勤労者世帯) (1979-2000, 2002-2023) Average Amount of Savings and Liabilities per Household (Worker's Household)NEW
22. 意思決定
政党事務局データ 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
政党役員における女性数及び割合(1994, 1999-2023)NEW


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