No. |
分野 Category. |
出典 Source. |
省庁 Ministry and Agency. |
タイトル Title. |
1. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯の種類別世帯数及び世帯人員総数の推移(1920-2020) Number of Households and Number of Household Members by Type of Household |
2. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯人員別一般世帯数の推移(1980-2020) Private Households by Number of Household Member |
3. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
家族類型別一般世帯数, 割合及び増加率の推移(1970-2020) Private Households by Family Type of Household |
4. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
経済構成別一般世帯数と親族人員(1985-2005) |
5. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯の家族類型, 子供の有無・年齢, 夫婦の就業・非就業別夫婦のいる一般世帯・核家族・その他の親族及び親族人員 (1985-2020) |
6. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
女性の配偶関係, 従業上の地位・雇用形態別有業者数及び構成比 (1987-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Marital Status, Status in Employment and Type of Employment (Female) |
7. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国民生活基礎調査 (2006)Comprehensive Survey of the People on Health and Welfare |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
世帯類型別特殊世帯の世帯数及び割合 (1955-2023) Number of Households by Aged Households, Mother-children Households, Father-children Households and Others |
8. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 配偶関係別2人以上の世帯主数及び率 (1995-2020) Number of Head of Household and Ratio to Household Members consisting of two or more by Sex, Age Group and Marital Status |
9. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
母の年齢, 母の配偶関係, 子どもの数, 最年少の子どもの年齢別母子世帯数(1985-2020) Mother-child(ren) Households by Mother’s Age, Mother’s Marital Status, Number of Children, and the Age of Her Youngest Child |
10. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
父の年齢, 父の配偶関係, 子どもの数, 最年少の子どもの年齢別父子世帯数(1985-2020) Father-child(ren) Households by Father’s Age, Father’s Marital Status, Number of Children, and the Age of His Youngest Child |
11. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯の種類, 家族類型別65歳以上人口(世帯人員)の割合の推移(1985-2020) |
12. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別65歳以上高齢単身者世帯数, 構成比及び人口中の割合(市部・郡部)(1990-2015) Number of Aged Single Persons by Age Group and Sex (Aged 65 and Over) |
13. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 配偶関係別15歳以上人口 (1990-2020) Population 15 Years Old and Over by Marital Status |
14. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
出生動向基本調査 |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
調査年次別に見た見合い結婚と恋愛結婚の構成(1930-2021) |
15. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性, 初婚・再婚別婚姻数及び普通婚姻率(1883-2022) Marriages by Previous Marital Status of Bride and Groom, Percentage of First Marriage, and Crude Marriage Rate |
16. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別初婚数及び初婚率(1930-2022) Number of First Marriages by Age of Bride and Groom |
17. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性別全婚姻及び初婚の平均婚姻年齢の推移(1899-2022) Mean Age of Groom and Bride at Marriage |
18. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別再婚数及び再婚率(1930, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Remarriages by Age of Bride and Groom |
19. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
外国における日本人の国籍別婚姻件数の推移(1985-2023)The Number of Japanese Marriages in Overseas |
20. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
夫婦の国籍別婚姻件数・百分率の推移(1965-2022) Foreign Grooms and Brides who got married to Japanese by Nationality |
21. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別未婚の数と割合 (1920, 1930, 1950, 1960, 1970-2020)Number of Never Married |
22. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
種類別離婚数と構成比及び普通離婚率の推移(1883-2022) Divorces by Legal Type and Crude Divorce Rate |
23. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別離婚数及び離婚率の推移(1930, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1998-2022) Number of Divorces and Divorce Rate by Age of Wife and Husband |
24. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別有配偶者に対する離婚率の推移(1930, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990-2020) Divorce Rates by Age of Husband and Wife to Currently Married Persons |
25. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
同居期間別離婚数及び構成比(1930, 1947, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998-2022) Divorces by Duration of Living Together |
26. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
夫妻が親権を行う子の数別離婚数及び子の総数の推移(1950-2022) Divorces by Number of Children Involved in Divorce |
27. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
夫妻の国籍別離婚件数(1992-2023) Trends in Divorces by Nationality of Wife and Husband |
28. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
司法統計 |
最高裁判所 Supreme Court of Japan |
性(妻・夫), 終局区分, 申立人及び請求の主旨別婚姻関係事件数及び構成比(全家庭裁判所) (1992, 1997, 2000-2015) |
29. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
司法統計 |
最高裁判所 Supreme Court of Japan |
性別離婚申し立ての動機別割合の推移(1975-2023) |
30. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
司法統計 |
最高裁判所 Supreme Court of Japan |
「離婚」の調停成立又は24条審判事件のうち財産分与・慰謝料支払の取決め有りの件数(1992, 1997, 1999-2015) |
31. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
人口動態統計 Vital Statistics of Japan |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
親権を行う子をもつ夫妻別離婚数及び構成比の推移(1950-2022) Divorces by Husband and Wife Who Have Children Involved in Divorce |
32. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
所有関係別住宅数・割合及び増減率の推移(1948-2013) Dwellings by Tenure of Dwelling |
33. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯類型, 所有関係別住宅数及び分布比率(1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015,2020) |
34. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
家族類型, 所有関係別世帯人員数及び分布比率(1985, 1995-2020) |
35. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国民生活基礎調査 |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
高齢者・母子・父子等, 住宅種類別世帯数及び分布比率(1989, 1998-2022) |
36. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
全国ひとり親世帯等調査 |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
世帯別住宅所有関係別母子・父子世帯の住宅数及び構成比 (1988-2021) |
37. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯主社会経済分類、所有関係別普通世帯数・割合及び1世帯当たり畳数及び1人当たり畳数−全国(1975) |
38. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
建て方, 階数別住宅数, 分布割合, 増減数及び増減率の推移(1963-2013) Dwellings by Type of Building, Stories of Building |
39. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
構造別住宅数・分布比率, 増減数及び増減率(1963-2013) Dwellings by Construction Material |
40. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
世帯収入階級, 住宅所有関係別世帯数及び分布比率 (1988, 1995, 1998-2013) Households by Type of Household, Annual Income and Tenure of Dwelling |
41. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
所有関係別住宅規模指標の推移 (1973-2013) Dwelling Rooms per Dwelling, and Tatami Units of Dwelling Rooms per Dwelling by Tenure of Dwelling |
42. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係、家族類型別住宅規模指標(1985) |
43. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅の種類・所有関係・建て方・建築の時期別設備状態 (1988-2013) Situation of Facilities by Type of Dwelling, Tenure of Dwelling, and Year of Construction |
44. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係, 世帯の型, 最低居住水準・誘導居住水準状況別主世帯数及び分布比率 (1988-1993, 2003-2013) Principal Households by Tenure of Dwelling, Household Members, Minimum Housing Standard and Targeted Housing Standards |
45. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国民生活基礎調査 |
厚生労働省(厚生省・労働省) Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare |
世帯類型, 室数別世帯数及び構成割合(1989, 1998-2019) |
46. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係, 母子・父子世帯別世帯数,人員数及び規模 (1985, 1995-2020) Number of Households, Household members, Persons per Households by Kind of Residence and Tenure of Dwelling (Mother-Child(ren) and Father-Child(ren) Households) |
47. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 Population Census |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係, 延べ面積別母子世帯数, 世帯人員数及び分布比率 (1985-2010) Number of Mother-Child(ren) Households and Households Members by Area of Floor Space |
48. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
国勢調査 |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 住宅所有関係, 1人当たり面積別60歳以上単身高齢者世帯数及び分布比率 (1995-2010) |
49. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係, 日照時間別住宅数及び分布比率 (1978, 1988-1998) Dwellings by Tenure of Dwelling and Duration of Sunshine |
50. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
持ち家・借家, 最寄り駅までの距離別住宅数及び分布比率(1978, 1988-2013) Distance to the Nearest Railroad Station by Tenure of Dwelling |
51. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
持ち家・借家, 最寄り医療機関までの距離別住宅数及び分布比率 (1988-2013) Distance to the Nearest Medical Facilities by Tenure of Dwelling |
52. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅所有関係, 家計を主にささえる者の通勤時間別雇用者普通世帯数及び分布比率 (1988-2018) Commuting Hours of Main Earner of Ordinary Households (Employee) by Tenure of Dwelling |
53. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
勤労者の住居費負担率の推移(1970-2015) |
54. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅ローン返済負担額・率の推移(住宅ローンを返済している勤労者世帯)(1980-2015) |
55. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
住宅種類, 専用住宅所有関係別借家の1か月当たり家賃及び1畳当たり家賃 (1983-2013) Monthly Rent, and Rent per Tatami Unit by Tenure of Dwelling |
56. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
家賃負担率の推移(民営借家に住居する勤労者世帯)(1975-2015) |
57. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
民間賃貸住宅家賃実態調査 |
国土交通省(建設省) Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport |
都市, 世帯主の所得階級別民間借家の状況(1990) |
58. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅経済データ集 |
国土交通省(建設省) Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport |
首都圏の住宅価格の年収倍率の推移(1975-2015) |
59. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅経済データ集 |
国土交通省(建設省) Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport |
住宅価格の年収倍率(欧米主要国) (1990, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004-2015) |
60. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅経済データ集 |
国土交通省(建設省) Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport |
公共賃貸住宅の1畳当たり家賃の推移(1958~2013) |
61. |
世帯・家族 Household and family |
住宅経済データ集 |
国土交通省(建設省) Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport |
公共賃貸住宅の1畳当たり家賃(最新入居, 最新建築)の推移(1968〜2013) |