
No. 分野
Ministry and Agency.
1. 人口
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(各歳)別人口・性比 Population by Sex and Age (1985-2020)
2. 人口
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別総人口及び性比の推移(1930, 1950, 1970, 1990, 1995, 1998-2021) Population by Age and Sex
3. 人口
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別年齢構成関連指数, 平均年齢及び年齢中位数の推移(1920-2020) Indicators on Age-Sex Structure of Total Population, Average Age and Median Age
4. 人口
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(4区分)別65歳以上人口及び割合の推移(1868-2020) Population of 65 Years Old and Over by Sex and Age Group
5. 人口
住民基本台帳人口移動報告 Annual Report on the Internal Migration in Japan Derived From the Basic Resident Registers 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
県内・県間別移動数・性比及び率(1954-2022)Number, Sex Ratio and Rates of Intra-prefectural Migrants and Inter-prefectural Migrants
6. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯の種類別世帯数及び世帯人員総数の推移(1920-2020) Number of Households and Number of Household Members by Type of Household
7. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯人員別一般世帯数の推移(1980-2020) Private Households by Number of Household Member
8. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
家族類型別一般世帯数, 割合及び増加率の推移(1970-2020) Private Households by Family Type of Household
9. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
10. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯の家族類型, 子供の有無・年齢, 夫婦の就業・非就業別夫婦のいる一般世帯・核家族・その他の親族及び親族人員 (1985-2020)
11. 世帯・家族
Household and family
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
女性の配偶関係, 従業上の地位・雇用形態別有業者数及び構成比 (1987-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Marital Status, Status in Employment and Type of Employment (Female)
12. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 配偶関係別2人以上の世帯主数及び率 (1995-2020) Number of Head of Household and Ratio to Household Members consisting of two or more by Sex, Age Group and Marital Status
13. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
母の年齢, 母の配偶関係, 子どもの数, 最年少の子どもの年齢別母子世帯数(1985-2020) Mother-child(ren) Households by Mother’s Age, Mother’s Marital Status, Number of Children, and the Age of Her Youngest Child
14. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
父の年齢, 父の配偶関係, 子どもの数, 最年少の子どもの年齢別父子世帯数(1985-2020) Father-child(ren) Households by Father’s Age, Father’s Marital Status, Number of Children, and the Age of His Youngest Child
15. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯の種類, 家族類型別65歳以上人口(世帯人員)の割合の推移(1985-2020)
16. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別65歳以上高齢単身者世帯数, 構成比及び人口中の割合(市部・郡部)(1990-2015) Number of Aged Single Persons by Age Group and Sex (Aged 65 and Over)
17. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 配偶関係別15歳以上人口 (1990-2020) Population 15 Years Old and Over by Marital Status
18. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別未婚の数と割合 (1920, 1930, 1950, 1960, 1970-2020)Number of Never Married
19. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
所有関係別住宅数・割合及び増減率の推移(1948-2013) Dwellings by Tenure of Dwelling
20. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯類型, 所有関係別住宅数及び分布比率(1985, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015,2020)
21. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
家族類型, 所有関係別世帯人員数及び分布比率(1985, 1995-2020)
22. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
23. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
建て方, 階数別住宅数, 分布割合, 増減数及び増減率の推移(1963-2013) Dwellings by Type of Building, Stories of Building
24. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
構造別住宅数・分布比率, 増減数及び増減率(1963-2013) Dwellings by Construction Material
25. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯収入階級, 住宅所有関係別世帯数及び分布比率 (1988, 1995, 1998-2013) Households by Type of Household, Annual Income and Tenure of Dwelling
26. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
所有関係別住宅規模指標の推移 (1973-2013) Dwelling Rooms per Dwelling, and Tatami Units of Dwelling Rooms per Dwelling by Tenure of Dwelling
27. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
28. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅の種類・所有関係・建て方・建築の時期別設備状態 (1988-2013) Situation of Facilities by Type of Dwelling, Tenure of Dwelling, and Year of Construction
29. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅所有関係, 世帯の型, 最低居住水準・誘導居住水準状況別主世帯数及び分布比率 (1988-1993, 2003-2013) Principal Households by Tenure of Dwelling, Household Members, Minimum Housing Standard and Targeted Housing Standards
30. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅所有関係, 母子・父子世帯別世帯数,人員数及び規模 (1985, 1995-2020) Number of Households, Household members, Persons per Households by Kind of Residence and Tenure of Dwelling (Mother-Child(ren) and Father-Child(ren) Households)
31. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅所有関係, 延べ面積別母子世帯数, 世帯人員数及び分布比率 (1985-2010) Number of Mother-Child(ren) Households and Households Members by Area of Floor Space
32. 世帯・家族
Household and family
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 住宅所有関係, 1人当たり面積別60歳以上単身高齢者世帯数及び分布比率 (1995-2010)
33. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅所有関係, 日照時間別住宅数及び分布比率 (1978, 1988-1998) Dwellings by Tenure of Dwelling and Duration of Sunshine
34. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
持ち家・借家, 最寄り駅までの距離別住宅数及び分布比率(1978, 1988-2013) Distance to the Nearest Railroad Station by Tenure of Dwelling
35. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
持ち家・借家, 最寄り医療機関までの距離別住宅数及び分布比率 (1988-2013) Distance to the Nearest Medical Facilities by Tenure of Dwelling
36. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅所有関係, 家計を主にささえる者の通勤時間別雇用者普通世帯数及び分布比率 (1988-2018) Commuting Hours of Main Earner of Ordinary Households (Employee) by Tenure of Dwelling
37. 世帯・家族
Household and family
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
38. 世帯・家族
Household and family
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
39. 世帯・家族
Household and family
住宅・土地統計調査 Housing and Land Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
住宅種類, 専用住宅所有関係別借家の1か月当たり家賃及び1畳当たり家賃 (1983-2013) Monthly Rent, and Rent per Tatami Unit by Tenure of Dwelling
40. 世帯・家族
Household and family
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
41. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別15歳以上人口の労働力状態 Labour Force Status(1993, 1998-2023)
42. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
配偶関係別女性労働力率推移 Female Labour Force Status by Marital Status (1975-2023)
43. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別労働力率推移(1973-2023) Labour Force Status by Sex and Age
44. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別労働力人口, 就業者及び従業者推移(1987-2023) Population of Labour Force, Employed Person and At work
45. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 従業上の地位別就業者数および比率推移(全産業)(1973-2023) Status of Employment by Sex (All Industries)
46. 労働
国勢調査 Population Census 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 産業別就業者構成比推移 Employed Persons 15 Years of Age and Over, by Industry (1950-2020)
47. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別有業者数推移(1956-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work
48. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(5歳区分)別有業率推移(1956-2022) Ratio of Persons Engaged in Work
49. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 産業別有業者数推移 (1956-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Industry
50. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 職業別有業者数推移 (1968-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Occupation
51. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 従業上の地位別有業者数推移(1956-2022) Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Status in Employment
52. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 配偶関係別有業者数推移 Number of Persons Engaged in Work by Sex and Marital Status (1956-2022)
53. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別雇用者数推移(1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2023) Employed Persons by Sex
54. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
女性雇用者の産業別構成比率及び雇用者総数に占める女性の割合の推移 (1975-2023) Female Employees by Industry
55. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
職業別・性別雇用者が占める割合の推移(1960-2023) Female Employees by Sex and Occupation
56. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 規模別雇用者数の推移(1960-2023) Employed Persons by Sex and Number of Persons Engaged in Enterprise
57. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 雇用形態別・雇用契約期間別雇用者構成比の推移(非農林業)(2018-2023) Employed Persons by Sex and Status in Employment (Non- Agriculture)
58. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
配偶関係別性別雇用者構成比の推移(非農林業)(1962-2023) Female Employees by Marital Status (Non-Agriculture)
59. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別転職希望者比率の推移(1980-2023) Persons Wishing to Change the Present Job by Sex
60. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別転職等希望者比率の推移(1980-2021) Persons Wishing to Have Additional Job by Sex
61. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, パート・アルバイト別雇用者数推移(1985-2023) Employed person by sex and status in employment (part-time worker/Arubaito)
62. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
正規職員・従業者・パート・アルバイト, 配偶関係別女性雇用者数(1987-2021) Number of Female Employees by Type of Employment and Marital Status
63. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(10歳区分)別完全失業率の推移(1973-2023) Ratio of Unemployed in Labour Force by Age
64. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 休職理由別完全失業者構成比の推移(1984-2023) Unemployment Persons by Sex and Reason for Seeking a Job
65. 労働
労働力調査 Labour Force Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別非農林業雇用者の平均週間就業時間の推移(1975-2023) Average Weekly Hours of Work by Sex and Industry (Non-Agriculture)
66. 労働
就業構造基本調査 Employment status survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
従業者規模別女性管理的職業従事者数及び女性比率(1992-2022) Number of Female Managers and Officials by Size of Enterprise
67. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 行動種類別1日の生活時間の配分(週平均)(1976-2021) Daily Time Use by Sex and Activities (Weekly Average)
68. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別睡眠時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Sleep by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average)
69. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別身の回り用事時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Personal Care by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average)
70. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別食事時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Meals by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average)
71. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 時間帯別「食事」の行動者率(平日) (1986-2021) Participation Rate on Meals by Period of Time and Usual Economic Activity (Weekday)
72. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別「仕事時間」の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Work by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average)
73. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢, 仕事時間階級別行動者の割合の推移(平日, 有業者)(1981-2021) Working Hours by Sex and Age (Weekday, Working)
74. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業, 家族類型別仕事と家事時間(週平均) (1991-2021) Time Spent on Commuting, Work, House-keeping, Nursing, Child Care and Shopping (Weekly Average)
75. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業別生活時間(平日) (1991-2021) Time Use by Sex (Wife and Husband) and Usual Economic Activity of a Married Couple (Weekday)
76. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別家事関連時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Housework, Caring or Nursing, Child Care and Shopping by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average)
77. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別有配偶者の家事関連時間の推移 (1986-2021) Time Spent on Housework, Caring or Nursing, Child Care and Shopping by Sex (Married)
78. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別3次活動時間の内訳(週平均) (1976-2021) Tertiary Activities by Sex (Weekly Average)
79. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別在宅型余暇時間の推移 (1976-2021) Time spent on static leisure activities by sex and age
80. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別積極的余暇時間の推移 (1976-2021) Time spent on active leisure activities by sex and age
81. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 配偶関係別25-44歳の生活時間(週平均)(1991-2021)Time use by sex and marital status (25 to 44 years old)
82. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別学生・生徒の生活時間(週平均) (1986-2021) Time use by sex and education
83. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業別高齢者夫婦世帯の生活時間(週平均)(1986-2021)Time use by sex (wives and husbands) and usual economic activity (aged couple household)
84. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別大都市圏域の生活時間(週平均)(1991-2021) Weekly average time use by sex (major metropolitan areas M.M.A)
85. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, ふだんの介護・看護有無別生活時間(1991-2021)Time use by sex and activity of caring
86. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 有業・無業, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 余暇活動の種類別行動者数・行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by usual economic activity, age and sex
87. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 有業・無業, 配偶関係, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-1996, 2006-2021) Number of Participants and Participant Rate by Sex, Usual Economic Activity and Marital Status
88. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 有業・無業, 教育, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by usual economic activity, education and sex
89. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 従業上の地位・雇用者規模, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by employment status, employment size of enterprise and sex
90. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 職業(社会経済分類), 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Number of Participants and Participation Rate by Sex, Socio-economic groups/Occupations and Types of Leisure Activities
91. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性(妻・夫), 世帯の家族類型, 有業・無業, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Number of Participants and Participant Rate in Leisure Activities by Sex, Type of Household, Usual Economic Activity
92. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 学習・研究の種類, 頻度・方法別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participants and Participation Rate in Studies and Researches by Sex
93. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, ボランティア活動の種類, 頻度・活動の形態別行動者数及び行動者率(1991-2021) Participants and Participation Rate in Volunteer Activities by Sex, Frequency and Type of Volunteer Activities
94. 生活時間・無償労働
Time use and unpaid work
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 就業状態, 年齢階級, 学習・自己啓発・訓練の種類別行動者率 (1991-1996, 2006-2021)
95. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National survey of family income and expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級別単身者1世帯当たり貯蓄・負債の現在高(全世帯, 勤労者世帯)(1989-2019) Amounts of Savings and Liabilities per Household and Percentages of Households Holding Them by Sex and Age Group
96. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National survey of family income and expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
収入の種類別実収入の構成比の推移−勤労者世帯(1974-2014) Household Net Income by Type of Incomes-Worker's Households
97. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National survey of family income and expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯類型, 費目別消費支出−勤労者世帯 (1989, 1994-2019) Living Expenditure of Commodities per Household by Family Composition - Workers' Households
98. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National survey of family income and expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主の年齢階級別(5歳区分) 1か月の実収入(勤労者世帯)(1989-2019) Household Income by Age Groups of Household Head (Worker's Households)
99. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主の職業別共働き世帯数及び勤労者世帯に占める共働き世帯の比率(勤労者世帯, 農林漁業収入のある世帯を除く)(1989-2014) Number of Dual Income Households by Type of Employment of Household Head
100. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
妻の就業形態別共働き世帯数(全世帯)(1989-2014) Distribution of Dual Income Households by Employment Status of Wife
101. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
妻の就業形態, 収入階級別世帯分布(勤労者世帯) (1989, 1994-2014) Distribution of Households by Employment Status and Salaries of Wife (Workers' Household)
102. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
妻の就業形態別勤め先収入(1989-2014) Household Income by Employment Status of Wife
103. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National survey of family income and expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
共働き世帯の夫の年間収入階級別世帯分布と収入額(勤労者世帯) (1989-2009)Monthly Income of Dual Income Households by Yearly Income Group of Husband
104. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯類型別共働き世帯数および夫と妻の収入(勤労者世帯, 農林漁業収入のある世帯を除く) (1989, 1994-2014) Income of Husband and Wife of Dual Income Household by Family Composition
105. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主の年齢階級(10歳区分), 世帯類型別世帯主と配偶者の収入額(勤労者世帯, 世帯主と配偶者のみ就労の世帯)(1989, 1994, 1999-2009)
106. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主の職業, 世帯類型別世帯主の配偶者の勤め先収入(勤労者世帯) (1989-2009) Estimated Income of Working Spouse of Household Head by Occupation of Household Heads and Family Composition
107. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
夫婦共働き世帯の費目別消費支出とその構成比(勤労者世帯)(1989-2014) Living expenditure of Dual Income Households (Workers' Households)
108. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
妻の就業形態別共働き世帯の消費支出(勤労者世帯, 農林漁業収入のある世帯を除く)(1989-2014) Living Expenditure of Dual Income Households by Employment Status of Wife
109. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
夫の年齢階級(10歳区分)別夫婦共働き世帯の資産(勤労者世帯) (1989〜2014)Savings of Dual Income Households by Age Group of Husband (Workers' Households)
110. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別若年勤労単身者の実収入及び消費支出の推移(1969-2014) Income and Living Expenditure of Young Workers (Under 30 Years Old, One-Person Households)
111. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別, 年齢階級別単身者世帯実収入と消費支出(勤労者世帯)(1989-2019) Income and Living Expenditure by Sex and Age Group (One-Person Households)
112. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別, 単身者世帯年齢階級別1ヶ月あたりの消費支出(勤労者世帯)(1989-2019) Monthly Living Expenditure by Sex and Age Group (One-Person Households)
113. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 費目別単身者世帯の消費支出(30歳未満, 65歳以上)(1989-2019) Monthly Living Expenditure per Household by Sex (One-Person Households)(Under 30 Years Old [Workers' Households] and 65 Years Old and Over [No Occupation])
114. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 費目別65歳以上の1ヶ月あたり消費支出(単身世帯)(無職世帯)(1989-2019) Monthly Living Expenditure per Household by Sex (One-Person Households of 65 Years Old and Over, with No-Occupation)
115. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 年齢階級(10歳区分)別1世帯当たり年間収入・貯蓄現在高及び負債現在高(単身世帯)(全世帯)(1989-2019) Amounts of Savings and Liabilities per Household by Sex and Age Group (One-Person Households)(All Households)
116. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 職業別1世帯当たり貯蓄・負債の現在高(単身世帯)(1989-2014) Amounts of Savings and Liabilities per Household by Sex and Occupation (One-Person Households)
117. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 貯蓄現在高階級別世帯分布(単身世帯) (1989-2014)Distribution of Households by Amount Group of Savings and Sex (One-Person Households)
118. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 主要耐久消費財別単身者世帯の所有数量(全世帯)(1989-2014)Quantities of Major Durable Goods Possessed per 1,000 Households by Sex
119. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別一人当たり1か月の個人的な収入と支出(二人以上の世帯)(1989-2019) Average Monthly Private Living Expenditure by Sex (Two-or-more-person Households)
120. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
全国消費実態調査 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
費目別1世帯1ヶ月当たりこづかい消費支出及び構成比 (1989-2009) Monthly Private Living Expenditure per Household by Items and Occupation of Household Head
121. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主・配偶者別勤労者世帯1世帯当たり1か月間の実収入及び割合(1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2023)
122. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯主・配偶者別夫婦共働き世帯1世帯当たり実収入及び割合(核家族世帯) (1980, 1985, 1990-2023)
123. 家計・資産
Household budget and property
家計調査 Family Income and Expenditure Survey 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
世帯平均貯蓄現在高及び負債現在高の推移(勤労者世帯) (1979-2000, 2002-2023) Average Amount of Savings and Liabilities per Household (Worker's Household)
124. 教育・学習
Learning and study
科学技術研究調査 Survey of Research and Development 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 研究主体別研究本務者数・対前年比及び構成比の推移(1984-1986, 1998-2023) Number of Regular Researchers by Sex
125. 社会保障・福祉
Social security and welfare
国勢調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
死・離別, 世帯主の年齢階層(5歳区分)別母子・父子世帯割合(1990-2020)
126. 意思決定
衆議院議員総選挙, 最高裁判所裁判官国民審査, 参議院議員通常選挙結果調 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別衆参両議院選挙における有権者数, 投票者数及び投票率の年次推移(1946-2019)
127. 意思決定
衆議院議員総選挙・最高裁判所裁判官国民審査結果調 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
衆議院選挙女性立候補者, 当選者の数及び比率の推移(1946〜2021) Candidates and Persons Elected of Elections for the House of Representatives by Sex
128. 意思決定
参議院議員通常選挙結果調 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
参議院選挙性別立候補者, 当選者の数及び比率の推移(1947-2022)Candidates and Persons Elected of Ordinary Elections for the House of Councillors by Sex
129. 意思決定
衆議院・参議院各事務局調べ 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
130. 意思決定
地方選挙結果調 Report on the Results of Elections 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
統一地方選挙における性別投票率(1975-2019) Voting Percentages of Unified Local Election
131. 意思決定
地方公共団体の議会の議員及び長の所属党派別人員調 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性別県知事・市・特別区・町村長数の推移(1980, 1985, 1993, 1998-2023) Heads of Local Governments by Sex
132. 意思決定
地方公共団体の議会の議員及び長の所属党派別人員調 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
地方議会における女性議員数の推移(1976, 1980-2023) Members of Local Assemblies by Sex
133. 意思決定
政党事務局データ 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
政党役員における女性数及び割合(1994, 1999-2023)
134. 意思決定
地方公務員給与実態調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 職種別地方公務員数(全地方公共団体)及び女性比率の推移(1973-2018)
135. 意思決定
勤務条件調査 総務省(総務庁・自治省)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
性, 地方公務員採用試験区分別合格者数及び割合 (1980, 1985, 1990, 1997-2022)


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