No. |
分野 Category. |
出典 Source. |
省庁 Ministry and Agency. |
タイトル Title. |
1. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 行動種類別1日の生活時間の配分(週平均)(1976-2021) Daily Time Use by Sex and Activities (Weekly Average) |
2. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別睡眠時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Sleep by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average) |
3. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別身の回り用事時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Personal Care by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average) |
4. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別食事時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Meals by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average) |
5. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 時間帯別「食事」の行動者率(平日) (1986-2021) Participation Rate on Meals by Period of Time and Usual Economic Activity (Weekday) |
6. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別「仕事時間」の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Work by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average) |
7. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢, 仕事時間階級別行動者の割合の推移(平日, 有業者)(1981-2021) Working Hours by Sex and Age (Weekday, Working) |
8. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業, 家族類型別仕事と家事時間(週平均) (1991-2021) Time Spent on Commuting, Work, House-keeping, Nursing, Child Care and Shopping (Weekly Average) |
9. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業別生活時間(平日) (1991-2021) Time Use by Sex (Wife and Husband) and Usual Economic Activity of a Married Couple (Weekday) |
10. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別家事関連時間の推移(週平均) (1976-2021) Time Spent on Housework, Caring or Nursing, Child Care and Shopping by Sex and Age Group (Weekly Average) |
11. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別有配偶者の家事関連時間の推移 (1986-2021) Time Spent on Housework, Caring or Nursing, Child Care and Shopping by Sex (Married) |
12. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
NHK国民生活時間調査 |
その他 Others |
性別成人の家事・社会生活行動及び自由時間 (1990-2015) |
13. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性別3次活動時間の内訳(週平均) (1976-2021) Tertiary Activities by Sex (Weekly Average) |
14. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別在宅型余暇時間の推移 (1976-2021) Time spent on static leisure activities by sex and age |
15. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 年齢階級別積極的余暇時間の推移 (1976-2021) Time spent on active leisure activities by sex and age |
16. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 配偶関係別25-44歳の生活時間(週平均)(1991-2021)Time use by sex and marital status (25 to 44 years old) |
17. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性別学生・生徒の生活時間(週平均) (1986-2021) Time use by sex and education |
18. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性(妻・夫), 有業・無業別高齢者夫婦世帯の生活時間(週平均)(1986-2021)Time use by sex (wives and husbands) and usual economic activity (aged couple household) |
19. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性別大都市圏域の生活時間(週平均)(1991-2021) Weekly average time use by sex (major metropolitan areas M.M.A) |
20. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, ふだんの介護・看護有無別生活時間(1991-2021)Time use by sex and activity of caring |
21. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 有業・無業, 年齢階級(5歳区分), 余暇活動の種類別行動者数・行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by usual economic activity, age and sex |
22. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 有業・無業, 配偶関係, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-1996, 2006-2021) Number of Participants and Participant Rate by Sex, Usual Economic Activity and Marital Status |
23. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 有業・無業, 教育, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by usual economic activity, education and sex |
24. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 従業上の地位・雇用者規模, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participation rate in leisure activities by employment status, employment size of enterprise and sex |
25. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 職業(社会経済分類), 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Number of Participants and Participation Rate by Sex, Socio-economic groups/Occupations and Types of Leisure Activities |
26. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on time use and leisure activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性(妻・夫), 世帯の家族類型, 有業・無業, 余暇活動の種類別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Number of Participants and Participant Rate in Leisure Activities by Sex, Type of Household, Usual Economic Activity |
27. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 学習・研究の種類, 頻度・方法別行動者数及び行動者率 (1991-2021) Participants and Participation Rate in Studies and Researches by Sex |
28. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, ボランティア活動の種類, 頻度・活動の形態別行動者数及び行動者率(1991-2021) Participants and Participation Rate in Volunteer Activities by Sex, Frequency and Type of Volunteer Activities |
29. |
生活時間・無償労働 Time use and unpaid work |
社会生活基本調査 Survey on Time Use and Leisure Activities |
総務省(総務庁・自治省) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
性, 就業状態, 年齢階級, 学習・自己啓発・訓練の種類別行動者率 (1991-1996, 2006-2021) |